Create a custom sub-domain for your family
If you don't have a domain of your own, you can create a custom sub-domain for your family using . For example, if you're providing your family name as sherlock , your family domain will be . The custom email address will be created as
Follow the steps given below to use the Zillum domain to create a sub-domain for your family:
- Click on Add now under the Add Zoho Family domain section .
- In the Add Family Domain pop-up provide the preferred name for your family's domain.
- You can also add a logo to your family's domain by hovering over the logo image and uploading an image from your local device.
- Click Add.
You cannot delete your family domain once added.
Once you add the domain you will be taken to the Personal details page to complete your sign up. You will be asked to enter additional details like Family Name, Address, City, Pin code , etc. Once you have entered the details, click Submit .
Upon submission your family's sub-domain with Zillum will be verified. If a family domain already exists in that name in Zillum you will be prompted to provide a different name and click Add .
After successful verification, the family head who creates the Zillum account will be prompted to create their custom email address. This email address will be added as the Family Head's custom email address.
This email address should be used by the Family Head to log in to all Zoho services in the future.
Once the Family Head's custom email address has been created, you can proceed to add family members to your family's Zillum account.
Add your Family Members
The Family Head can proceed to add members to your family's Zillum account. Adding members in Zillum can be done in two ways, based on your convenience.
- Adding them one by one manually.
- Invite a family member.
The number of members you can add to your Zillum's family account will be based on your chosen
plan .
Adding family members manually
Follow the steps given below to manually add the members of your family to your family's custom Zillum account:
- In the Family Members page, click the Add button.
- Provide the First name and Last name of one of your family member.
- A Username will be generated based on the first and last name you've provided. You can change it according to your preference.
- Provide a Password, using which your family member can log in.
- You can also check the Force user to change password during the first login check-box.
- If you check the above option, the member will be prompted to change the password of their account during their first login attempt.
- The member will not be able to enter or access their account without changing the password.
- Choose the type of the member as Adult or Child using the Member Type drop-down.
- The Adult members will be prompted to provide a recovery mobile number while logging into their account. This mobile number can be used to reset their password.
- For Children, the Family Head should check the privacy policy agreement and agree to authorize Zoho to process the child's data to provide the Zillum services.
- Upon completing the above steps, click Add.
The family members will be added to your family's Zillum account and a custom email address based on your family domain and a password will be assigned to them.
Inviting family members
Follow the steps given below to invite your family members to join your family's Zillum account:
- In the Family Members page, click Invitees .
- In the Invitees page, click Invite A User or click Invite to continue.
- Provide the email address of the user you want to invite. If you want to invite multiple users on a single go, enter the email addresses separated by a comma.
- Once done, click Invite .
- You can check the status of your invitation next to the invitee email address. You can also cancel or resend the invitation of a member by hovering on the respective invitee and clicking the Resend invitation email or Delete invite icons.
- In case you want to resend the invitation to multiple invitees or delete invitations of multiple invitees, you can use the checkbox to select the users and then click Resend or Delete .
Once they accept your invite, their existing account, if any, will be added to your family. If they do not have an account, they will be prompted to create a new account.
Create family groups
After the addition of members to your family's Zillum account you can create Family Groups by adding your family members to them. Click on Proceed to Setup Groups button given at the bottom of the Family Members page.
Follow the steps given below to create your family groups:
- On the Groups page, click +Create .
- Provide a Group Name. A group email address will be generated based on the given group name.
- You can also change the Group email address based on your preference.
- Set a group logo by clicking on Upload a group logo on the right side of Add Group page.
- You can also give a Group description if you prefer to.
- Choose who can send emails to the group email address from the options given below:
- External members - Anyone outside your family/ Zillum who has your family group email address.
- Family members - Family members who are not a part of the family group.
- Group members - Family members who are part of the group.
- Moderators - Only the moderators of the group can send emails to the group email address.
- You can choose to enable/ disable Streams for your family group. Click here to learn more about Streams.
Upon providing the required details click Proceed. You will be taken to the Select Members page, where you can add your family members to the group you're creating.
You can also add your family members outside Zillum using their email addresses.
Add your family members to the group
- On the Select Members page, click Add.
- Choose one of the options from the drop-down.
- Search and add family members - You can select the members from the list and click Add.
- Add members using email address - You can also add external members using their email addresses.
- Members who are not part of your family's Zillum account are called external members . These external members will be sent an invitation email to join the group. Only, upon accepting the invitation they can become a part of your family group.
- Add all family members - All the members from your family's Zillum account will be added as members of the group.
- Upon addition of members to the group, you can choose a moderator or multiple moderators to the group by clicking the drop-down across each member under the Role section.
- Click Create Group, after selecting the roles of the family members in the group.
Your family group will now be created. You can create multiple groups by following the steps given above.
After the addition of members to your family's Zillum account and creation of groups (you can skip creation of groups if you choose to), you can proceed to the DNS Mapping page where you have to configure the MX Records of your family's domain to receive emails.